Red algae in saltwater tank
If you're s hobbyist who keeps a marine tank then you'll know the importance of keeping on top of your algae levels, and red algae in saltwater tank is a bit of a problem for some of you. In fact demand for products that reduce red algae in saltwater tank has been going on ever since the hobby began. There have been lots of products that come and go, but some of them stick, and for good reason too - they work :)
You're reading this because you need a solution to you red algae in saltwater tank and here it is. Colombo Mycosidol is a fast acting and effective product that removes red algae in saltwater tank, and it's also safe to use.

So what is red algae?
Strictly speaking red algae isn't an algae at all and is actually cynobacteria and as a result, it's important not to treat it like a traditional algae with the more common algae remedies. If you do it this way you won't clear it up and wonder what has gone wrong and why you bothered to spend you money on it! One thing I would like to point out is that cynobacteria is not always red. It can be blue, green and even black sometimes, but more commonly red.
You'll normally see red algae or cynobacteria as a clump or a patch hidden away somewhere. It will start small and at first you might not really notice it. They key is not to ignore it at this stage and hope that it goes away - it won't. Red algae in saltwater tank will not disappear on its own and will need your help to make it happen. Go over your tank with a fine tooth comb in that respect and hunt it out.
Why has is happened?
Lots of reasons, but once you have treated with Colombo Mycosidol you'll need to look at the following reasons for the future (or else it will come back):
- What is the flow like in your tank - I'm guessing not as good as it should be because the reason you have red algae in saltwater tank is your flow isn't as good as it should be. Improve that and make sure your circulation pump/s are moving all the water around that they should be.
- How dirty is your filter? Make sure it's nice and clean and that the sponges are free from debris.
- What is your pH? It may not be as high as it should be. A pH of 8.1 and higher will discourage red algae in saltwater tank. Just make sure you're not using a pH buffer which uses phosphate to help buffer. Look for alternatives.
- Are you using a phosphate removal product in your filter? If not you need to as this will help reduce red algae in saltwater tank.
- Make sure you're not using tap water as this contains too many minerals for your tank including nitrate and phosphate. Use RO (reverse osmosis) water and then remineralise it that way.
But in the meantime you'll need to use Colombo Mycosidol which will remove red algae in saltwater tank. It comes with 20 small capsules, about the size of a paracetamol tablet - you know the one's. 1 tablet will treat 25L so if you have a small tank, Colombo Mycosidol will last you a long time and A full bottle's worth is enough for a 500L tank and for most of you out there that will be more than sufficient.
Simply pop the required number of capsules into your marine aquarium and let it do the work it is designed to. It's impressive stuff.