Improving your aquarium water circulation

Improving your aquarium water circulation

Everyone has issues at some point in their aquarium when they need to improve water movement. In fact, a common question I get asked is how can I do better than what I am? You see, by limiting the amount of water flow in your planted tank, you quite literally limit the nutrients available and that's the last thing that plants want. The more nutrients they have, the better they grow and look. Think about it for a moment, you've put some lovely rocks in, maybe some big plants, some foreground one's too but you haven't given the thought of Improving your aquarium water circulation at all. You're hoping your existing filter will do the job right? Or maybe you've already been smart and already bought a circulation pump (good on you). But sometimes, you just need to tweak things...

Improving your aquarium water circulation

I have always been a big advocate of circulation pumps and to be honest, Hydor seem to have the market wrapped up. Their range of pumps is great, they run quiet and do a super job on distributing water and pushing fertilisers and CO2 around a tank. But, there's always a way to Improving your aquarium water circulation and once again, Hydor have come up trumps. They have a product called the

Hydor Rotating Water Deflector

This little device fits onto the end of their circulation pumps, and as your pump pushes out water, the Rotating Water Deflector turns around slowly. The benefit of this is that it distributes the water on a 360 degree basis, which means dead spots are avoided! Quite superb really. You can also fit it onto other filters outlets etc so it's versatile too. Like the sound of it? Check the vid below:

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