It's a good idea to start your CO2 roughly an hour or so before your lights come on. The reason for this is simple.
When your lights come on, you want your plants to hit for floor running. What I mean by that is you want your plants to begin growing instantly. As the CO2 build up over the 60 minutes before the lights are on your levels begin to rise (remembering the carbon dioxide has been off for maybe 16 hours) and your plants take complete advantage of this. Good levels of CO2 and lighting (don't forget your fertilisers) = happy planted aquarium.
By contrast, having your CO2 come on when your lights start up, you delay the growing process as it takes roughly 1 hour for CO2 levels to hit that perfect 30ppm level.
In addition, turn your CO2 off 1 hour before your lights go off. There will be sufficient CO2 in your tank for that time for your plants to continue growing.
When do you turn your CO2 on and off?
Roma 240 how many bubbles a second should I be using for 7 hours c02 usage?
Do I need to run my co2 before my tank lights are on if my room gets natural light?
Does the co2 have to be on every day???
I recently purchase a co2 injection system with a 5lb tank. It’s all running good so far.
It’s running on my 65 gal planted aquarium. I have it set at 3bbs.
However my drop check never got out of the blue. Should I increase the bubble count?
Also, how long after the co2 is turned on before it reads green on my drop check.
Should it take 4, 6, or 8 hours or more?
Thanks for any help you can give me.