Lots of you keep and grow HC and I stumbled across this YouTube clip by the excellent aquascaper Mark Evans. He shows just how you need to clean your HC in a planted tank.Firm yet gently pushes on top of the HC means the dirt is removed by the roots hold the plant in place. Just perfect.
there’s no easy fix once algae has appeared. Do you have shrimp?
in a co2 infused aquarium flourish is no good as it’s only for non CO2 tanks. Use Neutro+ instead.
I made a rookie mistake with my hc and now have alge growing quite rapidly. What would be the best direction for cleaning? I was even going to look at h2o2.
I have enough light..maybe too much.
I belive I fed it too much florish , not excel.
Co2 is at 3 bubble per 4 sec. In 6 gallon tank.
PH 5.5 can go as high as 6.
I am attempting to get hc to grow in my fluval edge.
Use a syphon http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/superfish-aqua-syphon-set-p-3901.html
I just started with HC. What cleaning equipment did he use for that?