Anubias nana on driftwood
Having aquarium plants on wood is hugely beneficial and Anubias nana on driftwood is one of the more popular one's a for a variety of reasons. First of all Anubias nana is one of the oldest plants that have existed in the hobby partly because it was found very early on but also because it's easy to grow. But unlike many aquarium plants, Anubias nana must be planted onto wood or rock, and our favourite is Anubias nana on driftwood. If you try and plant this aquatic plant directly into the substrate there's a very high chance that the rhyzome will rot and as a result the plant will break down and the leaves fall off one by one.
By attaching Anubias nana on driftwood, not only is the rhyzome above the substrate but it has a dual function. You can move it to where you want, when you want! This means if you get bored of it in one location it's easy to shift to a new place.
Keeping Anubias on driftwood
You need to give this plant very little care which makes it absolutely ideal for beginners and up. It's happy in a very wide range of conditions from cooler water all the way up to warm water (30C making it ideal for discus tanks). In terms of lighting, we've experimented in low to high light and it's done surprisingly well. although be careful with too much lighting as Anubias nana on driftwood is a slow growing plant and even with lots of CO2 it won't throw out more than 1 leaf every few weeks.
Does Anubias nana on driftwood flower?
If you are lucky yes - the flowers are white and very beautiful but it won't last long - maybe a day or two. If you are keeping the plant above the water line then it will stay in flower for a week.
1 comment
It is the best information is driftwood is looking nice. thank you for share this blog