Aquascaping Layout & The Golden Ratio
Some of you may have heard of this and some of you may have not and its called 'The Golden Ratio' which is widely used in planning the layout and perspective of an aquascape. We have put together a simple 'Aquascaping Layout & The Golden Ratio' guide on how to create a scape that is pleasing on the eye and has the right composition and design in mind.
The Golden Ratio
Firstly we will look at the The Golden Ratio which will guide you in creating perspective in your aquarium. This 'Aquascaping Layout & The Golden Ratio' guide is used when wanting to acheive the perfect balance when placing objects in a space. So let's begin and these 3 steps explain what the Golden Ratio is.
1. Stand back and look at the front of your tank. Imagine there are four lines going across the front of the glass, two vertical and two horizontal, giving you now nine sections.
2. Where the lines cross are the Golden points where you should consider placing your key features to the tank i.e. rock, wood or prominant plants such as reds or plants that stand out.
3. You can use the Golden Ratio to plan the height layout of your plants too.
Basically symmetry does not work in a planted aquarium. It is too formal, structured and unnatural. Think about it would you see symmetry in the wild? No, so lets not make it neat and symetrical in the aquarium. The focal point (as we mentioned earlier your key feature so wood, rock, red plant etc) should be slightly off to the center. 1 : 1.62 was calculated long ago as the point which is the most pleasing on the eye. This is where you could consider having a slope on one side too, like a riverbed.
Please don't have all your 'tall' plants lined up along the back and try and create a 'hedge' or 'wall' of plants to cover up the background! It is not needed and only looks dated. Try replicating a mountain look by trimming your plants to be taller on the sides and slightly shorter in the center. You could also add some rocks either side (not symetrical remember to add to your mountain look).
Positioning of the plants
Depending on the scape you are looking to achieve, I like to keep my rocks or wood positioned amongst the midground plants as the stems can easily be hidden amongst the rocks plus you can carpet foreground plants around the base of the rocks to create a really natural look.
Creating depth
Creating depth is not the easiest task however keeping the golden ration in mind it can be done. The first thing to remember is to avoid positioning the rocks from left to right across the middle in a straight line which just looks two-dimentional and very unnatural looking. So I recommend planting and positioning in layers starting from the front to the back leaving a small gap in between and from low to high. With time and experience you will become more bold and challenging with your aquascaping and start creating some amazing looking scapes.
Another element to consider when planting your scape is to take note of the estimated growth guides that come with the plants or you can use the guide we use on our plant product page. Obviously you dont want to have to be trimming your plant all the time as it grows quicker than the one behind it so it really plays off to carefully plan your scape and even put pencil to paper first and sketch it out.
With all the above considered when putting a scape together, you should be impressed with the results. If however you need further advice we are only a phone call away on 01363 774787.