Which aquarium plants don't need CO2?

Which aquarium plants don't need CO2?

Aquarium plants are an excellent addition to any fish tank, providing numerous benefits such as improved water quality, oxygenation, and aesthetic appeal. While some plants may require extra care and maintenance, there are several varieties that can thrive without the addition of CO2.

Anubias is a popular choice for low-tech tanks, as it can grow in a variety of lighting conditions and doesn't require additional CO2. It's a slow grower, so it's important to be patient when waiting for it to fill out. Java fern is another option that can survive without CO2, and it can be attached to driftwood or rocks for a natural look. Both Anubias and Java fern prefer low to medium lighting, making them great choices for beginners.

Other options include Amazon swords like Echindorus bleheri, Cryptocoryne, and one of my all time favourites Vallisneria spiralis Red. Amazon swords can grow quite large, making them a great choice for larger tanks. Cryptocoryne comes in a variety of colors and sizes, and can be used to create a natural-looking foreground. Vallisneria is a fast grower that can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions, making it a versatile choice for any aquarium.

It's important to note that while these plants can survive without the addition of CO2, they still require proper lighting, nutrients like Neutro T and Neutro CO2, and water parameters to thrive. Regular water changes and the addition of liquid fertilizers can help keep these plants healthy and happy in your aquarium.

In conclusion, if you're looking for aquarium plants that don't require CO2, there are plenty of options to choose from. Anubias, Java fern, Amazon sword, cryptocoryne, and vallisneria are all great choices for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. With a little bit of care and attention, your aquarium can be filled with lush, green plants that will benefit both your fish and the overall aesthetic of your tank.

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