Trimming Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba''

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Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC) has risen to fame with it's tiny leaves and the ability to carpet a foreground of a planted aquarium very nicely. Of course like all plants you need to provide them with fantastic CO2 levels, excellent nutrients and sufficient water movement for distribution. If you tick all those boxes you get get results.

I found this video online and actions speak better than words and felt it was a worthy post so hobbyists can not only see how feasible it is to create a carpet of HC but also the type of maintenance it needs (along with a decent pair of curved scissors).

For those of you who are not familiar with the grower of this aquarium, he's a chap called Victor Lantos and he runs an amazing aquascaping shop in Hungary. Check it out here

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It always looks so cool to see someone trimming Hemianthus callitrichoides

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