If you're passionate about Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) like us then you know all about banding and how the clearer the white banding is on the shrimp, and the fuller it is, the higher grade your CRS. Genetics play an important role within CRS and the better genes the parents have the higher the chance of having CRS with quality banding. But if your CRS doesn't look quite as good as you hoped it to, is there anything that can be done?
You can help those 'genes' by providing an excellent diet in particular Genchem White Pellet which is a shrimp specific food designed for improving banding. We've been using this food for about 2 weeks now and have been very pleased with improvements so far. The white banding on our CRS is clearly more defined and it seems thicker and fuller. The CRS take readily to it as well, almost as if they know it's going to improve their colour :)
Like all Genchem products they have more than one function and in this case by feeding Genchem White Pellet, it will help improve moulting.So this double fold effect is a win win. Your shrimps will improve in colour and the moulting is easier.