Maintenance tools for your planted tank

Making sure you have the right tools for the right job is imperative - having the wrong tools is just a pain and hinders your work. Maintaining a planted aquarium can be a little tricky and the Easy Aqua Plant Tool Set could be just what you are looking for.

Handy tools for planted aquariums...

So what are the used for?
Scissors - perfect for trimming plants. The curved tip makes them particularly suitable for foreground plants and you get a great angle for trimming plants that are normally hard to reach.

Tweesers - really useful when you need to plant up. Pushing your fingers into the substrate is cumbersome. Tweesers will not disturb your substrate making your work easy.

Sand & Gravel Scraper - once you've finished maintaining your tank, use this to gently move the substrate back to where you want it to be.

Lastly you can trust the brand Easy Aqua to be reliable so you know you're also investing in tools that will last. Although these tools are available separately, if you go for the set you save yourself about 10% :)