Can Tropica 1-2 grow plants stay in pot indefinitely?

Can Tropica 1-2 grow plants stay in pot indefinitely?

No is the short answer to this and the reason for it is very simple.

They are grown in a nutrient rich solution that has a shelf life like anything in this world. Typically, the faster the plant grows, the less time it can stay in the jellied pot. So plants such as mosses which grow very slowly can stay in their pots for probably a few months and if you pop them in the fridge, they will last even longer - but the fridge really needs a light in for them to survive for the longest amount of time.

Plants which grow quicker such as Glossostigma can't live in the pots for that long as they're fast growers. Incidentally in the summer they grow really fast even with little light so the amount of time the plant can stay in the pot for is relatively short. This can make it difficult for retailers as if they're not sold in time, they have to be binned (ouch £££).

You can tell if the plant has been in the pot for too long as it begins to die off or go and a pale green colour - a bit like it's dehydrated. It will be limp and probably smell funny when you lift the lid off.

But either way these Tropica 1-2-grow! plants are excellent and there's just something very cool looking at a plant that has been grown in a lab. In addtion when you buy 1-2-grow! plants from us, you only ever receive super fresh plants as we never send out anything less than 100%.

See the range here.

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